Over the past decade, oral sex has become so commonplace among some teens who view it very casually. Shocking? Definitely, but apparently not uncommon. She’s had anal sex with at least five guys, and she’s only 17.” One girl told me that she’ll be a virgin on her wedding day in the eyes of God, but in my opinion, she’s a slut. I’ve run into quite a few who are willing to have oral or anal sex all the time, but still consider themselves virgins. One candid 16-year-old boy from Boston says, “Girls want to remain virgins until they’re married, but want to have some fun, too. We talked to several teens and their answers varied. However, the technical definition and the reality can be considered different things, depending on who you ask. Therefore, a person could have oral (or anal) sex every day and still consider him/herself a virgin. If you want to get technical about it, the definition of a virgin is a person who has not had sexual intercourse, and intercourse means penetration of the vagina by the penis.